We are so glad that you decided to find out more about the annual Membership to your Diamond Advantage Club. Check out all the advantages included in your subscription below. 

NB: This is just the beginning!

Professional Development Programmes

These are our foundational courses listed only. Master classes vary and are available periodically, as are other trainings.

These are our foundational courses listed only. Master classes vary and are available periodically, as are other trainings.

FULL DAY - $100 off all published pricesBeginnersIntermediateAdvanced
Absolute Beginners-
Next Step, Working with Clients
Organise Your Client in a Day
Master Classes- ✓*

LIVE IN RETREAT - $200 off all published prices
Boot Camp, Get It Done-

MENTORING - $50 off each session
Mentoring is available face to face or online

FORMS, Editable & Samples

forms listed are available immediately, membership entitles you to 5 editable forms & 3 samples per annum. more forms available once you become a member. 

forms listed are available immediately, membership entitles you to 5 editable forms & 3 samples per annum. more forms available once you become a member. 

EDITABLE FORMSEditableSampleHelp Notes
Client Enquiry-
Client Invoice-
General Organising Kit-
Click here for snippet

Residential Client Agreement-
Follow Up Report-
Click here for snippet


bookings are essential. this is done through your member portal once you join the club.

bookings are essential. this is done through your member portal once you join the club.

PRODUCTIVITY SESSIONSBeginnersIntermediateAdvanced
Get It Done, Power Hour

Owning your own Small Business can feel lonely and sometimes it's hard to finish your own To Do List. These group sessions are designed for you to deliberately set aside time each month to just GET IT DONE! Become part of the broader Organising community with this virtual co-working space. Sessions have built in accountability as well as an opportunity to have a little fun.

The Advanced group is for those that have been in business for more than 3 years and have plenty of experience under their organising belt.

Sessions are held on the first Saturday of each month, Feb-Nov. Power Hour 9-10am (AEST)

Diamond Data-Bites

YOU have the opportunity to view up to 5 previous editions whilst your membership is current

YOU have the opportunity to view up to 5 previous editions whilst your membership is current

During February to November, you will have your bite sized diamonds of organising information delivered to your inbox. This is your opportunity to upskill, using our wealth of experience in easy to digest volumes.

You will be able to use every bit of information straight into your clients home, office & life.

ATT: Advanced Organisers, you're going to love it!

Club Member Directory


The Diamond Directory is only available to current Members.

It includes all Diamonds who wish to be listed, and therefore contactable, around the globe.


If you possibly needed more reasons to Join the Club, you will be interested to know that we are currently developing:

  • Club Resource Library where Diamonds contribute and get recognition for their contributions.
  • but,  we are working on more..... even as you are reading this!

The price for The Diamond Advantage Club is $295+gst for 12 months subscription


As always, we like to look after our Alumni. Those that have already attended our courses and contributed so much to the Training Experience, are invited to join at the Alumni rate. You will receive all the full benefits of The Diamond Advantage Club. Click through below to your exclusive registration page.